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under the radar
JoinedPosts by under the radar
Moving to Memphis
by scary21 inmy husband and i are moving to memphis soon.
does anyone have any info.
one thing i like is no harsh winters.. it's scary but exciting moving to a new place.
Normal family affections and dealings?
by Marvin Shilmer innormal family affections and dealings?.
today i added a new article to my blog.
it helps readers explore and better understand the world of watchtower and what it considers normal.
under the radar
That was the most disgusting talk I have ever heard! They have institutionalized hypocrisy. This policy is nothing short of emotional blackmail and social coercion.
JWs whine the loudest when a new study's family tries to talk them out of becoming a Witness. Persecution! "Oh, your family is so cruel." But they turn around and do the same exact thing when one of their own wants to leave the fold.
What may have started out with an honest and sincere desire to understand the Bible and serve God has devolved into a currupt, mind-controlling cult run by lawyers and bean-counters. Any self-respecting god would be giving them the finger...
Old out-of-touch JWs using antiquated terms
by sir82 inever notice how completely out of touch some (most?
) public speakers are?.
last week we had a speaker ramble on for fully 1/3, maybe 1/2, of his 30 minute talk on the evils of "rap music".. i don't believe the term "rap music" has been uttered by anyone under the age of 40 for at least 20-25 years.. this week we got another "older gentleman" warning us about the pervasive dangers of "internet chat rooms".. again - didn't "chat rooms" die out about the same time as dialing up to connect to aol?.
under the radar
Hey splash!
When did you have Dennis Raftopolis? I remember him from many years ago when he served (?) Memphis, TN. Wonder where he is now...
What piece of WT literature is worth holding onto, or have you kept? Why?
by losingit ini have basically thrown away all of my bound volumes and loose wt and awake magazines.
i kept some bpoks, the insight to the scriptures, god's love, the reasoning book, and daniel's prophecies (this was my favorite) .
i held onto insight to the scriptures after reading some of ray franz's book, crisis of conscience.
under the radar
Hey Aunt Fancy: Check your private messages. I'd love to buy your Studies in the Scriptures.
We Are Disgusting!
by LouBelle inso this is a follow up to the thread started regarding the contact that some jw family members made through my aunt.
they wanted funds to put my grandmother (phylis) into an all inclusive old age home.
they wanted contributions from my aunt and mother.
under the radar
Hey LouBelle,
First off, I totally support you and your mom and aunt on this. It's totally hypocritical to shun you like you have the plague and then expect you to come running when it's convenient to get money from you. Would they help out if the situation were reversed? Not likely!
Just be aware that they will probably spin this to say those "disgusting apostates" won't even help destitute family members and how loving Jehovah's True Servants are because THEY step up to the plate. HYPOCRITES!
They will go to great lengths to portray themselves in the best light and paint "apostates" with as broad a "wicked" brush as possible.
Sorry you're having to go through all of this. Take care.
NEW video on Youtube MUST SEE! the elder's meeting is ridiculous!
by Newly Enlightened inbrother of the hawk, newly enlightened & gojira, recorded an elder's meeting on 5/7/03.
both does a great job of defending me and making the elders look foolish!.
thank you raypublisher/jj and jwstruggle for the awesome job you did on it.. follow up story was not recorded but we will post it here hopefully over the weekend.. enjoy, it's pretty hilarious how they try to control us and come after me on a work of fiction!.
under the radar
Regarding the Viagra ties:
My cousin worked in HR for Pfizer. Whenever I came to her town, I'd take her to lunch to catch up with family, have a little small talk, etc. She would usually show her appreciation by bringing me a couple of promotional items they were giving away at the time. Once, she brought me some Viagra items: a Post-It note holder, a few pens, and a Viagra ID badge lanyard and a Viagra tie identical to the third one in the pics a few pages back. Haven't worn the tie yet, but I did use the lanyard with my work ID for several weeks till the joke grew old. I would tell my colleagues who asked about it that I was the East Coast product demonstrator. Got a lot of laughs...
Now back to the elders' visit:
Those clowns are classic examples of people who become overbearing busybodies who nose into other people's business when they get a little presumed "authority" over them. I think Brother Hawk and NE did a great job of essentially telling them to mind their own business. Good job, guys!
NEW video on Youtube MUST SEE! the elder's meeting is ridiculous!
by Newly Enlightened inbrother of the hawk, newly enlightened & gojira, recorded an elder's meeting on 5/7/03.
both does a great job of defending me and making the elders look foolish!.
thank you raypublisher/jj and jwstruggle for the awesome job you did on it.. follow up story was not recorded but we will post it here hopefully over the weekend.. enjoy, it's pretty hilarious how they try to control us and come after me on a work of fiction!.
under the radar
Your book may officially out of print, but it is still available. I just bought a copy from If anyone else in interested, they can just google the ISBN number and you'll find lots of copies out there, many even less expensive than those on
Anyway, thanks for posting the video of the elder's visit. Just goes to show that much of their advice is based on personal opinions and prejudice, and is even hypocritical at times, despite an obvious effort to appear reasonable and "loving." Really, it's just another means to control the flock and make sure no one gets out of line.
Looking forward to reading the follow-up.
My Brother Lives in Watertown, MA
by Band on the Run ini tried six different phone numbers trying to reach him.
the police came to his door.
he said that after the police spoke to him, he felt much safer although the suspect was not yet in custody.
under the radar
Hey Band! I'm so glad your brother is ok. The authorities did an excellent job of identifying and then tracking down the suspects as quickly as they did. And it was wonderful how the public cooperated with the police in these unusual circumstances and how they all pulled together to keep themselves safe while the police did their work.
By the sheerest of coincidences, I was in Cambridge Thursday evening just a couple of hours before all the excitement there began. I was meeting a young Russian guy (not a student) to show him a computer I was selling on craigslist. Very nice guy. LIves nearby in Watertown. We spent about an hour together and he wound up buying the computer on the spot. I left there about 8 pm. So glad I was back home when the fireworks began.
The next day, Friday, about 6 pm, one of my Significant Other's co-workers called. She is also a friend, and she works from home for medical reasons. Turns out she lives right next door to the house where the other four suspects were arrested. She and her family were hunkered down in their house when suddenly a bunch of police cars showed up with lights flashing and surrounded the house next door. They could hear the police using bullhorns to talk to the people in the house and order them to come out with their hands up. They wound up arresting three men and one woman. Haven't heard much about them since. The lady who called said they were very frightened when it all began, but the police were great and did what they could to reassure them and keep them safe.
What a small world, huh?
under the radar
JWN works great on my iPad. Haven't figured out editing a post yet (on the iPad), but regular posting works fine.
By the way, download the Atomic Web browser from the App Store to use with JWN. Works great, even blocks those annoying ads. (Sorry, Simon.)
Open Atomic Web, then go to Settings, then select Identify Browser As, and select Firefox 15. That makes the browser think its running on a desktop.
Just my 2ยข worth...
Our family wishes to extend our sympathies to Gregg [Greybeard from JWStruggle]...
by Newly Enlightened ingregg, we are deeply sorry for your loss.
you will be with us in our thoughts & prayers.
under the radar
So sorry for your loss, Greg. When my sister tried to ban me from a family gathering, I told her I would not live my life based on someone else's superstitions. That seemed to take her aback, and I went anyway. Don't know if that would work in your circumstances, but hang in there. We're all pulling for you.